Space Robotics
The GRound Autonomous Student Station (GRASS) has as its objective to get students acquainted with space robotics through the design and development of an autonomous rover with features such as terrain recognition, sample retrieving, and obstacle evasion.
The mission is multidisciplinar, with members ranging from aerospace engineering to industrial and electrical engineering, including a close professional relationship with a science team from University of Barcelona. Furthermore, all the systems and much of the components are developed by the mission members in collaboration with external sponsors.
The mission started in 2017 with the construction of the GRASS V1, but it was stopped shortly after due to lack of manpower. Later on, the mission was reactivated with the objective of finishing the GRASS V1, and participating in the UAV Challenge 2020 in collaboration with the Aldora mission. However, The UAV Challenge was indefinitely postponed due to the epidemiological situation at the moment.
For that reason, the mission decided to focus on the European Rover Challenge 2021 as its primary objective. After successfully qualifying for the finals, the GRASS V2 obtained the tenth position. The following year, with the completely redesigned GRover, the mission obtained the ninth position of all Europe in the European Rover Challenge 2022.
Currently, the mission objective is to qualify for the ERC 2023, improving the results of last year’s edition.